Water & Wastewater

Wooden Water Main.png

Our Tap Water is Awesome

We have the 3rd oldest water system in the United States; the only systems older than Winchester’s are Philadelphia and Allentown, Pa. However, due to our stellar utility team, our service is world-class. 

Setting Up Utility Account

Setting Up Water and Sewer Service 

You can come in person to our Customer Service Office located at 301 E Cork St or fill out forms below to create an account. Any questions please call our Customer Service team at 540-773-1358.

Application        Tenant Form

New Water/Sewer applications and all applicable fees must be submitted by 4pm the business day before business starts.

  • A $170 security deposits is required for all New Customers.

Renters & Landlords
  • Landlords must sign and submit a Tenant Form before service can be set up.
  • Deposits will be held and applied to your final bill.

Property Owners
  • Deposits will credited to your account after one year of timely payments.

Disconnecting Water and Sewer Service 
  • Call or email the Utilities Customer Service Office before your move-out date.
  • Any remaining deposit will be refunded upon closing an account after deducting any charges due.

Filling a Swimming Pool

Using the link below you can apply for a discounted sewer rate when filling your pool. This is not beneficial unless your pool is over 10,000 gallons.

Filling Up A Swimming Pool 

Water & Wastewater

Water Quality Report(PDF, 184KB)

Where does our water come from? 

Water is pulled from the North Fork of the Shenandoah River, treated, and supplied to customers through a water distribution system of over 125 miles of pipeline. The Percy D. Miller Water Treatment Plant can provide up to 10 million gallons of water per day.   


Public Utilities maintains and operates a 110-mile wastewater collection system that serves the City of Winchester and portions of Frederick County. 

Through an inter-municipal agreement, Winchester's Public Utilities Department operates and manages the Opequon Water Reclamation Facility for the Frederick-Winchester Service Authority. This facility, located just east of Winchester on Route 7, treats over 6 million gallons of wastewater produced daily.

What Not To Flush

Water/Sewer Emergency

Report a Water/Sewer Emergency 

Public Utilities has personnel on-call 24 hours a day to respond to emergencies such as sewer backups or stoppages, and water line leaks or breaks.

Emergency Hotline: (540) 686-7173

Residential & In-City Commercial Water Rates

Meter Size

Minimum (first 3,000 gal)

Water Rate (per/1000 gal) $ 8.57
3/4" $ 61.27
1" $ 99.30 Sewer Rate (per/1000 gal) $ 15.64
1.5" $ 127.74
2" $ 205.78
3" $ 780.30
4" $ 1,063.77 Flat Sewer Rate $ 187.78
6" $ 1,701.52
8" $ 2,481.82


Non-Residential Water Rates

Meter Size Minimum (first 3,000 gal) Water Rate (per/1000 gal) $ 12.86
3/4" $ 91.91
1" $ 148.95 Sewer Rate (per/1000 gal) $ 15.64
1.5" $ 191.62
2" $ 308.66
3" $ 1,170.45
4" $ 1,595.65 Flat Sewer Rate $ 187.78
6" $ 2,552.28
8" $ 3,722.73


Availability Tap Fees

Meter Size Water Availability Fee Wastewater Availability Fee Meter Total
3/4" $ 5,300.00 $ 7,200.00 $ 225.00 $ 12,725.00
1" $ 8,800.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 375.00 $ 21,175.00
1.5" $ 17,650.00 $ 24,000.00 $ 535.00 $ 42,185.00
2" $ 28,250.00 $ 38,400.00 $ 750.00 $ 67,400.00
3" $ 53,000.00 $ 72,000.00 $ - $ 125,000.00
4" $ 88,300.00 $ 120,000.00 $ - $ 208,300.00
6" $ 176,650.00 $ 240,000.00 $ - $ 416,650.00