If the crime you are a victim or witness of happened in the City of Winchester, we're here to help! If you're seeking assistance with a crime that occured in Frederick County, you can contact their Victim Witness team at (540) 665-6369.
The purpose of Virginia's Crime Victim and Witness Rights Act ensure that victims and witnesses of crime or domestic violence:
You have a right to be free from threats, harassment and intimidation. If as a result of your involvement in a criminal case, you or your family are threatened, harassed or intimidated in any way, immediately call the Winchester Police Department (540-662-4131) and our office for assistance.
You have the right to seek restitution. In appropriate cases, the Judge may order the defendant to reimburse you for your financial loss as part of sentence imposed. Information regarding your injuries or out-of-pocket losses resulting from the offense should be brought to our attention as soon as possible.
ATTENTION: As a victim or witness, it is very important to keep the Police and the Victim Witness Office informed of your current address and telephone number (at home and work) so that we can contact you about your case.
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Victim Witness Handbook(PDF, 3MB)
A free, secure and confidential way to access custody status and criminal case information. Register for notifications and stay informed. If you need help registering, please contact the Victim/Witness office.
Virginia Vine
If you have interacted with or benefited from the Victim/Witness Program, please complete the below satisfaction survey and let us know about your experience.
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